Wright and Penn met when they co-starred in the movie 'State of Grace'. 赖特和佩恩在联袂主演电影《魔鬼警长地狱镇》的时候相识。
This is where we come from, the Garden of Eden, the state of grace to which we shall one day return. 这是从我们所来的地方伊甸园而来,这份恩惠有一天我们是要还的。
You will die in a state of grace whether or not special words are spoken for you, or water or oil is poured upon your head. 你会在一种高贵的状态中死去无论有没有一些特殊的词句向你诉说,或者水或油洒在你的头上。
You were born into a state of grace. 你诞生在一种高贵的状态中。
God may five and thus return the virgin to a state of grace and may, by performing a miracle, give her back her bodily integrity. 有时甚至会发生奇迹,上帝会重新给予她肉体上的完整性。
Today you can achieve a state in which you will experience the gift of grace. 今天你就能经验到天赐恩典的境界。
Human beings have sought the awakened state for thousands of years; the fact that ordinary individuals are now able to be given this gift of Grace is in itself a miracle of the Divine. 数千年来人们一直在追求觉醒,普通人现在能够得到这个恩典的礼物,这个事实本身就是一个奇迹。
To offer no resistance to life is to be in a state of grace, ease, and lightness. 对生活不抵抗是指处于一个优雅、安心、轻松的状态。
Calm the feeling that the Xiu Lian that is immanent state of mind presents the sort of easy, grace that come out to certain level place. 淡定是内在心态的修炼到一定程度所呈现出来的那种从容、优雅的感觉。
Think of love as a state of grace not the means to anything, but the alpha and omega, and end in itself. 请把爱情想成一种优美的状态,它并不是一种手段,而是万事万物,有始有终,自生自灭。
Because it is in pain that we find the meaning of life, and the state of grace that we lose when we are born. 因为我们在痛苦中找到人生的真谛,以及我们与生具有,却早已失落的圣宠。
As I hear tell, many woman reach a state of grace at forty. 我听说,女性四十岁就优雅的境界。
( theology) a place where Roman Catholics think those who have died in a state of grace undergo limited torment to expiate their sins. (神学)天主教徒认为那些死后经过有限的痛苦赎罪的人呆的地方。